Wanem gonorrhoea?

Gonorrhoea e sexually transmitted infection (STI) prom ol bacteria e callem Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Wiskine I kesser gonorrhoea?

You can kesser gonorrhoea when you have sex lor nunu, lor din, or oral sex where somebody utha gad gonorrhoea.
You can gedder gonorrhoea prom nutha man even ip ol nor gad any symptoms.

Ol pregnant woman can passem por baby blor em when em born. Tha baby can gedder mina bad eye infection or can end up blind.
You can’t gedder gonorrhoea prom ol public toilet, public pools or kasa prom hang round lor ol pipol.

Wanem gonorrhoea mekem por you body?

Gonorrhoea can infecter tha throat, din, the passage where pipi e comeout, the cervix (the inside side blor womb), and eyes.

Ip e nor treatem, gonorrhoea can meker infection lor skin ah joints.

Ah gonorrhoea can starter meningitis. Meningitis e infection that e sidown lor tha untap side blor brain.

Lor ol woman gonorrhoea can meker mina noogood infection where e gor staper woman prom have baby.

Ol pregnant woman can passem por em baby when em born. That baby can gedder mina noogood eye infection or can end up blind.

How I saber ip I gad gonorrhoea?

Thumus pipol nor saber ol gad gonorrhoea because ol can’t look ol signs or symptoms.
Tha only way por saber if you gad gonorrhoea e por gedder test.
That test e quick ah easy pipi test.
Nutha way por test e when doctor e smol wipe tha infected area blor you then testem for gonorrhoea.
Ol Signs ah symptoms blor gonorrhoea

Por man

• stinging or burning feeling when you pipi
• clear bagur e come out prom thapis. Tha bagur e white or yellow colour
• You ball gor nuthakin sore ah swellup
• Red colour lor tha opening blor tha thapis
• You din gor sore or you look bagur e comeout
• Eye infections

Por woman

• nuthakin bagur comeout prom nunu
• bleeding prom nunu
• feel sore when you pipi
• sore lor pelvic area, when you have sex
• You din gor sore or you look bagur e comeout
• Eye infections

Wanem I have to mekem ip I gad gonorrhoea?

• Doctor blor you gor gibber you merisin.
• Spik that person utha you gad sex lor, por gedder test. Ip ol gad gonorrhoea, ol might gor passer that gonorrhoea gor por nutha pipol too.
• You doctor gor helper you decide utha you gor spik you gad gonorrhoea. You doctor gor help you spik por thempla.
• Nor have sex lor anybody, even if you gor user condom, wait till you treatment por Gonorrhoea gor pinis.

Can e treater or cure gonorrhoea?

E can treatergonorrhoea ah curem prom kasa one needle gad antibiotics.
Always spik por you doctor ip you be gor overseas. This one because e gad some type of gonorrhoea that e nor much gad lor Australia so ol need por gedder special merisin.

You can gedder gonorrhoea gen even ip you be already gad before.

How can I protect myself prom gedder gonorrhoea?

• Gedder youself ah sex partners blor you tested por gonorrhoea. Always tester youself ip you gad more than one sex partner or ip you partner e gad sex lor nutha pipol. Tha chance blor you por gedder gonorrhoea e more high ip you gad thumus sex partner.

• You are partner blor you gor get treatment por gonorrhoea so you nor keep gibem por you partner or por ol nutha pipol.

• User condoms when you gad sex lor nunu, lor din or oral sex. Use condom lor tha partner you be gad por long time, ah ip you gad sex lor ol nutha pipol.

• Tok por ol new partner blor you about user condoms before you gor have sex lor thempla.

How I gor make sure I nor gibber gonorrhoea por someone else?

• Nor have sex lor anybody, even if you gor user condom, wait till you treatment por Gonorrhoea gor pinis.
• User condoms ebri time you have sex, especially ip you gor gad sex lor new partner.
• Always gedder test por Gonorrhoea ip you gad more than one sex partner or ip you partner e has sex lor nutha pipol.

Where can I get help and advice?

You can get help from:

  • a doctor
  • a sexual health clinic
  • community health service
  • family planning centres

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